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Here we have included information on our public policies, including: Website Accessibility Policy, Terms of Service

Website Accessibility Policy

Accessibility statement

Accessibilities is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone, and applying the relevant accessibility standards.

Conformance status

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) defines requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. Accessibilities is partially conformant with WCAG 2.1 level AA. Partially conformant means that some parts of the content do not fully conform to the accessibility standard. Although our goal is WCAG 2.1 Level AA conformance, we have also applied some Level AAA Success Criteria: Images of text are only used for decorative purposes. Re-authentication after a session expires does not cause loss of data.


We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of Accessibilities. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers on Accessibilities:

Technical specifications

Accessibility of Accessibilities relies on the following technologies to work with the particular combination of web browser and any assistive technologies or plugins installed on your computer:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

These technologies are relied upon for conformance with the accessibility standards used.

Limitations and alternatives

Despite our best efforts to ensure accessibility of Accessibilities, there may be some limitations. Below is a description of known limitations, and potential solutions. Please contact us if you observe an issue not listed below.

Known limitations for Accessibilities:

  1. Comments from users: uploaded images may not have text alternatives because we cannot ensure the quality of contributions. We monitor user comments and typically repair issues within 10 business days. Please use the 'report issue' button if you encounter an issue.
  2. Archived documents: might not work with current assistive technologies because they use outdated technologies that do not support accessibility. We convert documents to new formats upon request within 3 business days. Please contact for support.

Assessment approach

Accessibilities assessed the accessibility of Accessibilities by the following approaches:

  • External evaluation

Assessment approach

Accessibilities assessed the accessibility of Accessibilities by the following approaches:
Evaluation report
An evaluation report for Accessibilities is available at: Evaluation report

Terms of Service


Last modified: November 9, 2022

The Terms and Conditions set forth below shall serve as the Master Service Agreement (“Agreement”) between Biz.Builders and any entity or individual that inquires into or receives Services from Biz.Builders.


By using Biz.Builders’ (the “Consultant”) website and services, you (the “Client”) agree to the terms and conditions (“Terms”) detailed below. Further, you represent that you are at least 18 years of age, have the legal capacity to enter into a binding contract with us, and that you have read and understand these Terms.


This Agreement shall govern all consultancy and audit services proposed or provided by the Consultant and delivered entirely or partially to the Client. This Agreement shall govern all requests for services made by the Client to the Consultant, the provision of Services by the Consultant, delivery of findings to the Client, and subsequent payments to be made by the Client. This Agreement shall govern any communications related to the request, furnishing, and delivery of Services between the Client and the Consultant, including communications with their respective representatives, contractors and subcontractors.


Biz.Builders shall provide the Client with a Website Accessibility Inspection and an Inspection Report (together referred to as “Services”), as detailed below:

  • 3.1
    Website Accessibility Inspection: includes a technical review of the Client’s website using a variety of user
    platforms and access points to assess whether the Client’s website is accessible by users with varied abilities.
  • 3.2
    Inspection Report (“Report”): shall include the Consultant’s analysis of the Client’s website accessibility and
    provide recommendations based on accepted web accessibility standards. The Report is intended to serve the
    Client’s website developers and technical experts by identifying accessibility barriers with suggested remedies.
    The Report shall include findings based on screen-reader testing, keyboard-only testing, color contrast testing,
    full browser zoom testing and testing using automated tools.

Note: The Inspection Report is not intended to serve as an all-encompassing report dealing with the website from every aspect. It is a reasonable attempt to identify any obvious or significant defects apparent at the time of the inspection. This report is not a Certificate of Compliance with the requirements of any Act, Regulation, Ordinance or By-law.

  • 3.3
    Additional Services: Consultant may provide additional services as requested by Client and agree upon in writing.


  • 4.1Consultant Responsibilities
    • 4.1.1 The Consultant shall determine the manner in which and the person by whom the ServiConsultant
      Responsibilitiesces will be carried out, taking into account, as far as is feasible, the reasonable requests
      expressed by the Client.
    • 4.1.2 The Consultant shall furnish the Services with reasonable skill, care and diligence in accordance with the
    • 4.1.3 The Consultant shall determine a reasonable timeline within which the Consultant will perform the Services
      and deliver the final Report to the Client.
    • 4.1.4 In case of any change of circumstances under which the Services are to be performed which cannot be
      attributed to the Consultant, the Consultant may make any such amendments to the Services as it deems
      necessary to adhere to the agreed quality standard and specifications. Any costs arising from or related to
      this change of circumstances will be fully borne by the Client.
    • 4.1.5 The Consultant may, at its discretion and, where possible, in consultation with the Client, replace the
      person or persons charged with performing the Engagement, if and in so far as the Consultant believes that
      such replacement would benefit the performance of the Engagement.
    • 4.1.6 The Consultant shall provide the Client with such reports of his work on the Services at such intervals and in
      such form as the Client may require. The Client has the right to notify the Consultant that it wishes to
      modify its requirements in relation to the Services. Such modifications shall not enter into effect until the
      parties have agreed on the consequences thereof such as to the Contract fee and the completion date of
      the Services.
    • 4.1.7 The Consultant shall be free to involve subcontractors, availing of specific expertise, in the performance of
      the Services, provided that the Consultant shall have all third parties enter into confidentiality obligations
      similar to the confidentiality obligations applicable to the Consultant. If requested by the Client, the
      Consultant shall identify subcontractors, and specify their applicable expertise.
  • 4.2 Client Responsibilities.
    • 4.2.1 able to carry out the Services correctly, in the specified form and manneThe Client shall at all times duly
      make available to the Consultant all information and documents that the Consultant deems necessary to be
      Also, the Client shall provide all cooperation required for the proper and timely performance of the
    • 4.2.2 The Client shall duly inform the Consultant of any facts and circumstances that may be relevant in
      connection with the execution of the Contract.
    • 4.2.3 Furthermore, the Client shall guarantee the correctness, completeness and reliability of any information
      provided to the Consultant.


  • 5.1
    The Client may make requests for Services via email. Consultant shall issue a Purchase Order/Invoice to Client to specify the Services to be furnished, along with any associated fees
  • 5.2
    The Client shall pay to the Consultant all fees associated with the specifications in the Purchase Order/Invoice. Unless otherwise specified in the Purchase Order/Invoice, all fees shall be due immediately upon receipt of the invoice, plus any applicable transaction-based taxes. 
  • 5.3
    The Client and Consultant agree to work together in good faith to resolve any disputed invoices or charges within fourteen (14) days of the Client’s notice to the Consultant of the disputed charge


  • 6.1
    The findings generated by the Consultant in the Project and shared with the Client, shall become the property of
    the Client.
  • 6.2
    The detailed audit reports that are created by Consultant are the proprietary property of the Consultant, and all
    rights, title and interests in the Services, including all intellectual property rights shall remain only with
    Consultant. No rights are granted unless expressly granted in this Agreement. 
  • 6.3
    Client shall not (i) Copy, reproduce, or otherwise create derivative works or adaptations of the Services, (ii)
    reverse engineer the Services, (iii) distribute or resell the Services to third parties for a fee, or as part of another
    service or product, (iv) remove or modify any proprietary marks or restrictive legends in the Service or Report, or (v) access the Services to build a competitive product or service.
  • 6.4
    All content, images, and files that are uploaded, posted, and generated by the Client  shall remain the sole
    property of the Client..


  • 7.1
    Both parties to this Agreement shall keep secret and not disclose and shall procure that their respective representatives keep secret and not disclose any Confidential Information obtained by them during the Term of this Agreement. The foregoing shall not apply to information which: (i) is or becomes part of the public domain without fault on the part of the Consultant; (ii) was already known by the receiving party, other than under an obligation of confidentiality, at the time of disclosure by the disclosing party;(iii) is lawfully acquired by the Consultant from a third party on a non-confidential basis; or (iv) a party is required to disclose pursuant to any law, lawful governmental, quasi-governmental or judicial order. 
  • 7.2
    Except with the prior written permission of the other party, the parties shall not publish or otherwise make available the contents of proposals, reports, presentations, memos, or other communications by the other party, unless these have been provided with the intention of providing third parties with the information set out therein. Furthermore, the parties shall not disclose any of the other party’s methods and work strategies without the other party’s written permission. 
  • 7.3
    The provisions of this Section shall apply during the term of the Contract and for a period of five (5) years thereafter. 


  • 8.1
    Consultant warrants that it shall make a commercially reasonable effort to provide the Services to Client and that all information, reports, and Services are provided “as-is”, “as available,” and “with all faults.” 
  • 8.2
    Consultant waives all other warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the disclaimer of any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The information and services may contain bugs, errors, problems or other limitations.  
  • 8.3
    The Consultant, and any person put forward by the Consultant to perform the Services, shall not be liable if the services provided or the results generated by him in the Services are not absolutely correct, nor does the Consultant, or any person put forward by the Consultant to perform the Project, warrant, either expressed or implied, that the performance by him of the Project will not infringe upon intellectual property rights of any third party.  
  • 8.4
    The Consultant, nor any person put forward by the Consultant to perform the Project, shall not be responsible for any loss, destruction or damage of whatsoever nature (including injury or death) incurred by the Client, its employees or third parties, resulting from the use of the Services by the Client, except to the extent that the same can be shown to be due to gross negligence or wilful misconduct on the part of the Consultant or his employees. The Client shall indemnify the Consultant accordingly. 
  • 8.5
    No liability shall be accepted on an account of failure of the Report to notify any problems in the area(s) or section(s) of the subject property physically inaccessible for inspection, or to which access for Inspection is denied by or to the Inspector (including but not limited to or any area(s) or section(s) so specified by the Report).  
  • 8.6
    Should a party be deemed liable to the other party, by way of indemnity or by reason of breach of contract or otherwise, that party’s liability shall in aggregate not exceed the price for the Project. In any event, neither party shall be liable to the other party for any consequential, indirect, special, incidental or exemplary damages of any nature whatsoever that may be suffered by the other party.  


  • 9.1
    The Term of this Agreement shall commence once work has begun, and shall end once Services are rendered.
  • 9.2
    Any times or dates set forth in the Purchase Order for provision or completion by the Consultant of the services
    under the Project are estimates only and shall never be considered of the essence. Furthermore, the parties
    hereby acknowledge that the time schedule set out for the performance of the Engagement may change during
    the course of said performance. In no event shall the Consultant be liable for any delay in providing these
  • 9.3
    Either party may terminate the Contract by notice in writing forthwith in the event the other party:
    • 9.3.1
      is in default with respect to any material term or condition to be undertaken by it in accordance with the
      Engagement and / or the provisions of the Contract, and such default continues unremedied for a period of thirty (30) days after written notice thereof by the aggrieved party to the defaulting party;
    • 9.3.2
      is affected by a Force Majeure which cannot be removed, overcome or abated within three (3) months; or 
    • 9.3.3
      shall make any assignment for the benefit of creditors or shall file any petition in connection thereto, shall file a voluntary petition in bankruptcy, be adjudicated bankrupt or insolvent, if any receiver is appointed for its business or property, or if any trustee in bankruptcy or insolvency shall be appointed for that party (and is not dismissed within sixty (60) days after appointment). 
  • 9.4
    If the Client issues a termination notice, the Client shall be obliged to pay the Consultant a compensation equal to the agreed upon fees apportioned to the services already rendered by the Consultant, plus any additional costs incurred by the Consultant as a result of said early termination.
  • 9.5
    In case the Consultant cannot be reasonably expected to complete the Services due to unforeseen circumstances, the Consultant may unilaterally terminate the Contract and the Engagement. The Client shall be liable for payment of an amount corresponding to the fees due for services already performed, while being entitled to receive the (preliminary) results of the services already performed, without the Client being entitled to derive any rights therefrom.


  • 10.1
    These General Terms and Conditions supersede any and all prior oral and written quotations, communications,
    agreements and understandings of the parties and shall apply in preference to and supersede any and all terms
    and conditions of any order placed by the Client and any other terms and conditions submitted by the Client.
    Any requested modifications by the Client must be expressly agreed upon in writing by the Client and the
  • 10.2
    The Consultant shall perform the Contract as an independent contractor and shall not be the servant or agent of the Client. 
  • 10.3
    Any notice given under or pursuant to the Contract shall be given in writing and shall be given by mail,
    registered mail or by electronic transmission to the other party at the addresses mentioned in the Purchase
    Order/Invoice, or to such other address as a party may by notice to the other have substituted therefore.
  • 10.4
    Neither party shall be liable in any way for any damage, loss, cost or expense arising out of or in connection with a Force Majeure (as in,unforeseen)  event. Upon the occurrence of any Force Majeure event, the party suffering thereby shall promptly inform the other party by written notice thereof specifying the cause of the Force Majeure event and how it will affect its performance.
  • 11.
    GOVERNING LAW. All disputes which cannot be settled amicably shall be referred to the applicable courts in
    California, and the parties consent to the jurisdiction of the courts there..