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Why Manual Accessibility Audits Are Better Than Automated Scans

Why Manual Accessibility Audits Are Better Than Automated Scans
Did you know that there are approximately 2 billion websites on the Internet as of 2022?

One of the most critical responsibilities business owners have is maintaining an accessible website. Audits are a great way to do so, but not everybody understands why manual audits are superior to automated scans.

Let's take a closer look at the key information you need to know.

More Accurate Results

The inspectors conducting the inspection can check for errors in real time and address any potential performance issues that could arise in the future. This level of accuracy is unmatched by automated scans, which often miss errors or misdiagnose the barrier.

Even a single overlooked problem could evolve into something greater that could be difficult to navigate in the future.

Adhere to Current Trends and Standards

As time passes, accessibility trends develop, and new standards must be met. If you aren't on top of these, you could find yourself dealing with complications in the future.

One of the most notable is dealing with a lawsuit—something that has become much more common over the past couple of years.

Fortunately, working with a professional will help you avoid a situation like this and the problems that come with it.

Time-Efficient Process

Manual inspections can save you time in the long run since they help your website run more smoothly and efficiently.

This means fewer errors or problems that need to be addressed down the line and fewer resources necessary for maintenance and upkeep.

Can You Use Automated Scans in Addition to Manual Audits?

Yes, it's possible to use automated scans in addition to manual inspections.

Automated scans can provide a broad overview of your website and its performance, while manual audits can go into greater detail and provide more accurate results. Both methods are essential for maintaining the highest quality website possible.

However, it's recommended that you use a manual inspection first to get a comprehensive idea of any issues that might be present.

What Are the Downfalls of Automatic Scans?

There are certain attributes you should consider before hiring someone to inspect your website. One of the most important is the downfalls of automatic scans.

Let's take a closer look at some of the most notable reasons.


Interestingly, many people are unaware of the fact that automatic scans are prone to making oversights. To clarify, there are certain things automatic scans cannot do compared to humans.

Put simply, they won't be able to tell if certain aspects of your site make sense to users. This can prove to cause a large number of issues in the future if you don't take this into consideration.

Lower Accuracy Rates

Many people choose automatic scans to save time. However, the time you save won't matter much if you sacrifice accuracy. This is especially true for those who are unfamiliar with automatic scans.

This process involves using different tools, and those with more experience will be able to get better results from them. However, even the most accurate automatic scan user still won't be able to match a professional auditor.

You Cannot Consult With a Human

Once you receive your scan results, you are left to fend for yourself. You won't be able to get in touch with acumen and discuss them. For many business owners, this leaves them in the dark and unsure of what steps to take next.

A professional, on the other hand, will be able to guide you through the process.

How Do I Know When I Need an Audit?

it's essential to be proactive when it comes to your website. Manual inspections should be conducted regularly to keep up with the ever-evolving web.

If you haven't had an inspection done in a while, it might be time to schedule one. You may also consider scheduling an inspection if you're making major changes to your website or recently added new content.

This will ensure that everything is in line with current standards and ensure there aren't any compatibility issues.

Finally, it's worth booking one if you aren't quite sure if you are meeting the relevant standards. It's much better to get a professional opinion to take the appropriate action if necessary.

Don't Overlook the Importance of Manual Audits

Manual audits are an invaluable tool for maintaining the highest quality website possible. By following the advice outlined above, you can make sure to get the most out of the ones you implement.

Looking for more information on what we can do? Contact us today to see how we can help.